You can’t pour from an empty cup.

A simple mantra, yet not always simple in practice. And after nearly 21 years of service at Morley, it’s a lesson Organizational Development’s Tina Mott has shared with thousands of associates.

Tina began her career at Morley in 2001 as a customer service representative. Over the years she climbed the ranks, leading teams and programs within several of our BPO departments.

“Throughout all of those experiences and projects, my greatest passion was always developing my team members and watching them grow in their career path and get promoted,” Tina says. “I loved spending time with them and seeing how I could help enhance their skills and set them up for success.”

In early 2013, she came to a point in her career where she wondered, what’s next?
“I remember a conversation with Cass Ferris about my career and where I wanted to go, and I think I surprised him when I said I wanted to help develop leaders and emerging leaders in a designed program,” Tina says. “It was a step away from operations, and a new path altogether. We didn’t have anything like that at Morley at that time.”

Soon Tina was transitioning to a role as an organizational development specialist. With her background in organizational psychology and business management, she was able to build the team from the ground up, bringing with it many great initiatives that our associates continue to benefit from today.

“Tina developed the Fundamentals of Leadership program from the ground up,” explains Caity Anderson, an organizational development supervisor on Tina’s team. “And to see the number of lives the program has touched is incredible. Each graduation is a testament to the impact it has on our associates, and that’s all because of Tina.”

Tina’s positive impact reached more than just the areas of talent development, change management and customer service. She was also instrumental in the success of our MoFit wellness program.

“Not only to bounce ideas off of, but also with her knowledge and awareness of overall health,” explains Jennie Sajdak, Director of Payroll & Benefits and Corporate Wellness. “She not only participated on a regular basis, but was one of our instructors. She’s someone that our participants look up to. She not only talks the talk but walks the walk, so to speak. And participants loved her classes!”
Jennie says Tina has not only been a colleague for the past 20 years, but she’s also been a good friend.

“She’s someone that’s been there to share in the good times and not so good times,” Jennie says. “One of the things I appreciate most is that she’s a great listener, very approachable and easy to talk to – which is why she’s been so successful as the leader of our OD team.”

It’s Tina’s compassion, servant leadership and ability to empower others that will leave a lasting legacy here at Morley.

“Tina’s primary role was to ensure people mattered at Morley,” says Human Resources Director Ricardo Resio. “She has literally changed the personal lives of thousands of people at Morley. The most apparent examples are the stories leadership graduates share after training. Many say they are a better parent, partner, performer and person because of the training. They talk about how it saved an important relationship in their lives or how it was more therapeutic at times than the counseling they received for depression. The positive influence she has left on people is immeasurable.” 

Even as Tina moves forward with the next chapter of her life, her invaluable lessons will continue.

“Tina, thank you for making our team a part of your Morley family. We are all better than when we started because of your leadership and guidance. We are who we are and headed in the direction we are as a team because of the foundation you laid. While I’m sad helping you close this chapter, I feel blessed to have been a part of it in some way and am so excited for the adventures that are coming your way! I’m proud and honored to have had the chance to learn from you. Thank you for being the best mentor and leader I could ask for. I will miss you!” – Caity Anderson

“In our three years together, you have left a positive mark in my life. You have given me wise counsel – not only for my work, but you have also given me good advice in my personal life. Thank you for taking a vested interest in me, in helping me become a better professional, leader, colleague and person.” – Ricardo Resio

As Tina moves forward with the next chapter of her life, she wants to remind our Morley Family about that simple yet profound mantra she’s shared over the last two decades.

You can’t pour from an empty cup.

“Find balance, give yourself grace and make self-care a priority,” Tina says. “Sometimes that’s easier said than done. But any little step is a good one. Find mentors and others that you can go to for support. I value everyone I had for support along the way and formed great friendships.”

Congratulations on your well-deserved retirement, Tina! From our entire Morley Family, thank you for your dedication and servant leadership over the last 20 years.